
大玩家彩票极速快三前身为郑州大学西亚斯国际学院,始建于1998年。郑州大学西亚斯国际学院是由美国西亚斯集团公司投资,与郑州大学、美国堪萨斯州富特海斯州立大学(Fort Hays State University,英文缩写FHSU)合作的中外合作办学机构,是河南省首家被国务院学位委员会批准可以实施境外学士学位教育合作项目的全日制本科院校,也是首批被中国教育部中外合作办学评估合格的高校。2018年,经教育部批准,转设为独立设置的民办普通本科高校,学校代码为4141014654。


学校贯彻执行党和国家的教育方针,坚持社会主义办学方向,落实立德树人根本任务,积极践行“三全育人”要求,秉持中西合璧办学理念,实施国际化全人教育,致力于培养具有国际化视野的复合型实用人才。学校秉承“兼容中西 知行合一”的校训,实施“博雅教育+全人教育+融合教育”的育人模式,在积极构建优良学习环境的基础上,通过通识教育、专业教育、实践教育,完善学科体系,夯实理论基础;通过中西融合、古今融合、学科融合、产教融合、科教融合,提高学生的实践能力与创新意识;通过创建独特而又丰富多彩的校园文化,拓展学生视野,促进学生综合素质的提高,培养自主学习的良好学风;通过外籍教师全英语授课和英语原版教材的使用,强化对学生汉语、英语双语能力和资讯能力的培养,使其初步具备国际化的沟通交流能力、国际化的视野和国际化的思维方式,成为适应国际一体化经济社会发展的合格人才。







        Sias University was founded in 1998, and is the first solely American-owned University in Central China. Affiliated with Fort Hays State University of Kansas, USA, and formerly with Zhengzhou University, it was developed and designed in response to the most current educational demands. It is the first full-time undergraduate university approved by the Degree Committee of the State Council in China to grant both Chinese and American Bachelor's Degrees. Sias is also fully accredited by China's Ministry of Education, and in 2018 it was given approval to function as an independent private undergraduate university.

The university is located in Xinzheng, a country-level city in the Zhengzhou metropolitan area. The sprawling campus covers and area of almost 400 acres and exhibits a combination of Chinese and European architectural styles to make it distinctly international. The modern music, art and sports facilities highlight the institution’s focus on the development of well-rounded graduates who exhibit a high level of morality, intelligence, culture, and a healthy lifestyles.

    Combining Chinese and Western educational philosophies, Sias aims to nature talent and develop sophisticated and specialized individuals that can contribute to the modernization and economic development of China. To achieve these goals, Sias broadens the views of its students and encourages creativity and independent thought among both students and faculty through an innovative curriculum, diverse campus activities, all in a modern and beautiful environment. The participation of foreign faculty members and the use of English language teaching material also enhances bilingual communication skill among the students. All this encourages Sias students to explore global strategies to develop and evolve their problem-solving abilities.

    Sias has 17 academic schools that offers 46 undergraduate degree programs, 30 associate degree programs, and 6 dual degree programs with Fort Hays State University from Kansas, USA. It also has 1 dual degree program with University of Arizona, USA. The 9 fields of study offering degrees include liberal arts, science, engineering, economics, management, medicine, law, education and the performing arts. Today Sias has an enrollment of over 36000 students and employs over 2200 full-time faculty members, including 150 full-time foreign teachers. Sias' ratio of foreign faculty to students ranks first in Central China.

As an international university, Sias enjoys partnerships with 200 international partner schools in 50 countries, including the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Thailand, and Indonesia. It has a large number of international students from more than 20 countries, as well as faculty members whose expertise and training embrace both Chinese and Western educational philosophies.

The organizational structure of Sias' administration strengthens the foundation and functioning of the university. The curriculum is student-oriented, and by using a combination of theoretical and practical teaching methods, Sias ensures that the quality of teaching is continuously improving, and that the employment rate for Sias graduates consistently ranks in the top three schools among all Henan universities every year. Graduates of Sias have received high praise from employers for their excellent oral English, all-round abilities, creative thinking, and strong work ethic.

        The Residential College System is a new initiative with regard to student management at Sias. It was implemented to aid in the comprehensive development of students and to address their needs. Through the setting up of these student communities, the Residential College System has been able to address the daily issues for students and focus on their ideological and moral education, behavioral development, mental health education, and employment guidance. It also works toward providing students with an alternative learning environment for their academic and personal development.


Based on its overall strength, Sias has received many awards by related state institutions and the news media, including:

- "The Top 10 Most Influential Foreign-owned Undergraduate Universities in China Award”

- "The Most Competitive University on Employment in China”

-“The Strongest Comprehensive Sino-Foreign Cooperative University”

-“The Most Desirable University for High School Graduates Award”

-“U.S.-China Outstanding Contribution Award, 2015”

-“2015 Social Impact in Sino-Foreign Cooperative Colleges”

-“2015 New Media Development Experience in Universities”

-  "2015 Central China Private Education Innovation and Development Award"

-  "2016 Most Influential Brand of Sino-Foreign Cooperative Institutions in China"

-  "2016 Model University for Employment"

-  'Advanced Library Management and Service Innovation'

-  2018 Leading Brand in Education Industry award

-  2018 Most Influential Sino-Foreign Institution

-  2018 Private Universities Brand Strength Award

- "Top 10 Universities for Public Satisfaction" in Henan