


Founded in 1902, Fort Hays State University is a state-owned comprehensive university. The university has a total enrollment of 15,000 students, including current students, distance learning students, international students, and scholars. Fort Hays State University focuses on small class sizes, creating a one-on-one teaching environment. Fort Hays State University has humanities, management, law, science and technology, engineering, networking and information, media, nursing and other majors. The university's visionary approach to global and technology-based education attracts the best and brightest from across the country and around the world.

Fort Hays State University is located in the historic city of Hays in northwestern Kansas. The city of Hays is the historical and cultural center of northwest Kansas. The city's three main attractions are friendliness, safety, and academics. The strong academic atmosphere and the relaxed and elegant living environment attract academic talents from all over the United States and the world.